Friday, September 30, 2011

When the Weather Changes.....

So does your hair. When Fall and Winter set in, your scalp begins to get dry and your hair as well. The products you used in the Summer and Spring that were lighter on moisture should be changed out for products that moisturize your hair and scalp. This will help your hair to remain soft and manageable and, keep you from getting nasty flakes and dry scalp.

If you make an appointment with your stylist, ask them about a deep conditioning treatment that will jump-start your Winter hair care. They will give you a treatment that will give your hair and scalp conditioners and moisturizers to help you keep your hair looking great. Also, ask your stylist for information on at-home care. 

Some great leave-ins and masks recommended by The Hair Color Salon are by It's a 10.

Find out what products sold at your salon work best. You may be able to keep your shampoo but, add a leave-in conditioner for the Fall and Winter may be best. Or, a hair mask that you apply once every two weeks. While you are getting your treatment, have a conversation with your stylist about it. Once you get your at-home care and regular conditioning treatments as a routine, your hair will be soft and fabulous for the Winter months

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At the Hair Color Salon and Spa, we take the time to understand each client's individuality and work together to accommodate your needs and provide that self expression. From a classic appeal to cutting edge styles, coupled with our staff of master stylists and spa specialists, we strive to make your visit pleasing and your appearance amazing. We are much more than a hair salon, nail salon, or waxing salon. We are a full service salon and spa with each aestheticism, massage therapist, cosmetologist, hair stylist, and staff specialist united with a single dedication... to provide you with the greatest experience possible.
At the Hair Color Salon and Spa, we not only make you feel great, we turn heads.


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Suite 504
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043
The Hair Color Salon and Spa
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