Friday, February 3, 2012

Will you be my Valentine?

It's going to be nothing but red roses and and pink hearts from here until February 14th.  

So this Valentines day I have decided to wear nothing but red and pink. I'll paint my nails neon pink, curl my hair and wait patiently for my red roses from that special someone while I look fabulous in my red heels and dress covered in hearts.

Yes love is in the air. So this Valentines day let's be fabulous Ladies.

Lipstick is one of the most Amazing Accessories. 
To make lips extra kissable I always exfoliate mine with carmex and sugar at least once a week (more often in the winter months) It's and old trick my grandmother taught me.

Curls always remind me of the free spirits that encompass Jane Austin novels or Katherine from Wuthering Heights running through a Scottish moor searching for her lost love.  

So you see, there is a bit of romance that comes with hair intermingled with curls.


Time travel can now be a possibility! 
I've often dreamed of waking up and magically having Charlotte Rampling's sixties bouffant or having the ability to style my hair like I was ready to celebrate VE day in the streets of New York.
   Women of the past always seemed to be more polish to perfection than the women of today. No offense ladies, but we are a little sloppy!



A little romance never hurt anyone. 

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